Biography :
Black Duck Foods
An Indigenous social enterprise committed to traditional food growing processes that care for Country and return economic benefits directly to Indigenous people.
An Indigenous social enterprise committed to traditional food growing processes that care for Country and return economic benefits directly to Indigenous people.
Personal Statement :
We want to tell the stoÂry of our land. For a long time, the stoÂry of traÂdiÂtionÂal agriÂculÂture was buried. StoÂries from Elders across the CounÂtry were ignored. We respect the keepÂers of these stoÂries and acknowlÂedge their resilience. Our stoÂries come from a time when stoÂry began and now we are transÂformÂing these stoÂries into new opporÂtuÂniÂties for IndigeÂnous peoÂples as part of a jourÂney towards Food Sovereignty.